How to get rid of parasites in the body: traditional medicine

effective methods of treating parasites in the human body

A remedy for parasites in the body can also be a folk remedy if, for example, the patient has intolerance to drugs.

However, these drugs must be prescribed by a doctor, as parasitic diseases can be caused by various pathogens, whose vital activity is also suppressed by various means.

Should we get rid of parasites?

Parasitic diseases in humans are divided into helminthiasis (caused by worms) and protozoan infections (caused by protozoa). Both of these can be dangerous to the human body.

In this way, helminthiasis causes disturbances in the work of the intestines, the products of their vital activity disrupt the functioning of the liver, reduce the ability to work, and in children slow down physical and neuropsychological development. In addition, they contribute to the sensitization (allergy) of the body and create a favorable background for the development of allergic diseases. Protozoa are no less dangerous.

Trichomonas is the cause of sexually transmitted infections.

Giardia is dangerous mainly for children, in whom they can cause intoxication and allergic diseases.

How to treat parasitic infections

If you suspect a parasitic infection, see your doctor. He will first perform an examination and then prescribe a drug that is suitable for the treatment of the identified disease. In this case, all indications and contraindications for the appointment of this drug should be taken into account.

Sometimes the patient is intolerant to drugs or simply does not want to use "chemistry". In this case, the doctor may prescribe a folk remedy for parasites in the body.

Folk remedies, like medicines from the pharmacy, cannot be absolutely safe, as a certain dose of them is required to destroy the parasites, which most often has side effects. Only a doctor can take into account all the nuances of the action of folk remedies for parasites.

Traditional medicine recommends:

  • lemon seed powder (wormwood); The inflorescences of the plant are collected in August before flowering, dried, ground in a mortar and taken in a mixture with jam or honey according to the following scheme: Day 1 - diet (excluding fatty, fried foods, pastries) and laxativeovernight; On the 2nd and 3rd day, adults take a teaspoon of a mixture of lemon seeds with jam 3 times a day, half an hour before meals; laxative is given at night; helps well with ascariasis;
  • bitter wormwood infusion; 2 teaspoons chopped herbs pour 1, 5 cups boiling water in a thermos overnight, strain in the morning and drink 3 times for 1, 5 hours before meals; the course of treatment is 2-3 weeks; the infusion is contraindicated in pregnancy; helps with ascariasis and enterobiosis;
  • infusion of tansy flowers; pour a tablespoon of chopped flowers with a glass of boiling water, insist until cool and take a tablespoon 3 times a day; the duration of the course of treatment should be discussed with the doctor; the infusion is contraindicated in pregnancy; helps with ascariasis and enterobiosis;
  • pumpkin is an excellent remedy against parasites in the body; pumpkin seed powder; raw or air-dried seeds are peeled, leaving an inner green shell; 300 g of peeled seeds (single dose for an adult) are ground in a mortar, then rinsed with two to three tablespoons of water and poured into a plate with ground seeds; add there 2 tablespoons of honey or jam and mix well; the resulting mixture should be taken on an empty stomach, lying in bed in small portions for an hour; 3 hours after the procedure you should take a laxative and after another half an hour to make an enema; you can take food only after bowel cleansing; effective and safe tapeworm remover;
  • decoction of pumpkin seeds; 500 g of pumpkin seeds (adult dose) are ground together with the peel in a meat grinder or mortar, poured with double the amount of water and evaporated for two hours on low heat in a water bath without boiling; the broth is filtered, the oil film is removed from its surface and drunk on an empty stomach for half an hour; 2 hours after taking the broth, you need to take a laxative; helps get rid of tapeworms;
  • gymnosperms (without hard skin); they can be consumed without treatment, 150-200 g per intake;
  • decoction of pumpkin seeds of gymnosperms; prepared in the amount of 150 g of seeds per 450 ml of water in a water bath for one hour; then the broth is filtered and taken; dose for adults - 400 ml;
  • infusion of pomegranate peel; pour a teaspoon of crushed bark with half a cup of boiling water, insist until cool and take a teaspoon 4 times a day with a daily enema at night; the course of treatment is a week; good for tapeworms.